Argentina Introduces Self-Service Fuel Stations

The national government has authorized self-service fuel stations, allowing users to pump gasoline and diesel themselves. This measure aims to reduce costs and offer lower prices to consumers.

Argentina Introduces Self-Service Fuel Stations

The national government has published in the Official Gazette a provision that authorizes self-service of fuels at service stations. Decree 46/2025, signed by the Secretary of Energy, regulates the possibility for users to pump gasoline and diesel by themselves. According to the government, this measure will impact a lower differentiated price, which will directly benefit the consumer, while service stations will reduce their costs.

It is noted that self-service of fuels is a practice allowed in countries such as the United States, Uruguay, Paraguay, and some members of the European Union. The initial announcement was made last year by the Minister of Deregulation, Federico Sturzenegger, and it was finally officialized this Wednesday with its inclusion in the Official Gazette.

In the City of Buenos Aires and Mendoza, pilot tests of this new system were carried out at YPF and Shell service stations, under special permits granted since they started before the regulation was enacted. However, self-service of fuels will not be initially implemented in provinces such as Buenos Aires, La Pampa, and Jujuy, where local laws prohibit this type of service and restrict the operation of pumps to personnel of the dispensing stations.

The idea from the service station owners is to offer a mixed service, which will include self-pumping, but will also keep regular employees to fill fuel in the traditional way. It is expected that self-service may be useful during nighttime hours and on special days when the stations do not operate, such as on Christmas and New Year's at certain times.